During this campaign, I have been asked by a number of groups and organizations to take part in various surveys and interviews. There have been some great questions asked and I encourage you to visit each site to see my answers and learn more about what I plan on doing should the residents of St Boniface elect me to city council.
Canadian Taxpayer Federation survey: http://www.taxpayer.com/blog/2014-winnipeg-election-candidate-survey
Winnipeg Free Press survey: http://civicelection.winnipegfreepress.com/election-candidate/id-2861/
Around This Town interview (complete transcript): http://aroundthistown.ca/2014/10/08/interview-ryan-davies-candidate-for-st-boniface/
The Ideal City: http://theviewfromseven.wordpress.com/
Winnipegelection.ca: http://winnipegelection.ca/people/242/ryan-davies
Windog Advocacy and Off-Leash Stewardship: http://windog.ca/ryan-davies/
As more surveys and interviews are published, I will post the links. I strive in each to answer each question not with just an idea, but a detailed plan in order to make the vision become a tangible reality. I urge you when considering whom will receive your vote on October 22nd, you make sure that you are not just reading rhetoric, but that there is a plan to make ideas reality like I have done with each topic.
With just a few days left before the election, if I have earned your support I ask you to go one step further. If you can assist the campaign by distributing fliers, making a donation or taking a yard sign, please let me know. With every donation over $25, the City of Winnipeg rebates you 75% back to your pocket. In addition, telling your friends and neighbours about my campaign and directing them to the website is the best way to continue the momentum this campaign is seeing. A simple email to those you know about my campaign will go a long way in preventing party agendas and special interest group influence from reigning at City Hall and electing a public servant who wants to serve the best interests of the people of St Boniface. Thank you and I hope you vote Ryan Davies for City Councillor on October 22nd!
You should learn to participate in debates since it is a crucial part of a councillors job, particularly since you are a last minute candidate. Substituting a letter with a tacky stamp on the back accusing a candidate of past political ties , when he has clearly indicated he is running a non partisan campaign does not work for yourself. On the other hand, you have clearly attempted to hide your political leanings and have provide fairly sketchy details about employment history .